
Welcome home, we can’t wait to meet you.

Our heart is for revival. But not one that’s manufactured, driven by hype, or revolves around a personality. We long for a genuine move of God in our city that overflows from people returning to a simple burning love relationship with Jesus that moves us in every way toward kingdom life as we gaze upon Him and what He’s done for us on the cross. We envision a church full of people who are loved, healed, and radically transformed by the gospel. A church united together to become people of His presence, making known His glory. A church where He is at the center of the story. We are not the banner. Our church is not the banner. Jesus is the banner. And when we start looking at Him again, everything changes.

Our Leadership

Ryan and Janelle have been in ministry together for almost a decade. Both of their lives were deeply impacted through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and they are passionate about seeing people come alive in the presence of God, be restored in their identity, and flourish in their true purpose. They are a joyful family of three and dream a lot about a community changing the world. 
“Being from Seattle we consider it a privilege to find ourselves planting a church here. This is home. I can’t tell you how many hours we’ve spent, along with many others, praying for the Pacific Northwest to know Jesus. In many ways we feel like the most unlikely people to be doing this but already we’re humbled to see God’s hand in it all. We believe in the future of this city and the future of this region. The story of God and His people in Seattle has only just begun. We look forward to meeting you and can’t wait to see all that God has in store for this new community. Let’s build His kingdom together.”

Our Values

We believe in a church passionately pursuing the presence of God together, rebuilding the altar of worship and prayer in our lives and in our city, turning back to Him in restored awe and wonder as the true answer for the longing in our hearts. 

We believe in a church being transformed from the inside out and walking in their new identity through a deep, growing, counter-cultural relationship with God, not out of religious obligation, but as sinners made saints through the love of Jesus displayed on the cross.

We believe in a church of people from all different backgrounds, made one in heart and soul through the Gospel, being established into a new life-bringing family where God and people dwell together to be a home that looks like heaven in the heart of our city.

We believe in a church becoming a movement— bringing heaven on earth wherever we go, lifting up Jesus as our banner and believing for revival in our day for the renewal of our city, the nations, and our generation.